Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's been a while...

OKAY OKAY, I'll post already!!! Sorry everyone, I know you've all been asking for a long time :)

So, just to re-hash, surgery was on Feb 8th.
I started at 232 lbs in January 2010. This is when I started going to the first weight loss surgeon.
The day of my surgery I weighed 213.6
Month 1: 196
Month 2: 184
Month 3: 173
Month 4: 168

On July 8, I will be at month 5. I hope to be at 160. I am at 165 right now, so probably won't happen. As you can see, the weight loss slowed a bit between month 3 and 4 (only 5 lbs) It's fairly normal to have a "stall" around this time. The other common thing around this time is hair loss (or hair thinning). I am unfortunately experiencing this. Everyone told me it would happen, but it still comes as a shock when you notice that your once thick and wavy-curly hair that had to be straightened to be managed every day, is now barely covering your scalp. It's supposed to start filling back in, as long as all of my nutrients are at the right levels.

I have an appointment on Friday to have my levels checked. It's normal to do this around 5 months (which is July 8th for me)

As far as food goes, I pretty much eat the same things every day. Here's a sample:

Pre-workout - one egg with a slice of cheese melted on it
Post-Workout - protein shake
Snack - 1oz ff turkey and 1/2oz cheese
Lunc - 2oz ff turkey and 1oz cheese
Snack (sometimes) - Lara bar or nuts (if you aren't familiar with these, they are great and are dates and other natural, gluten free, ingredients like peanuts, cashews, unsweetened fruits to make flavors that taste just like their name - cashew cookie; peanut butter cookie; cherry or apple pie - DELICIOUS!!!) anyhow, with the Lara Bars the last month, I am wondering if they have anything to do with my slower weight loss. I haven't been eating them every day, but I think I may be more carb-sensitive and the 25g a day may be holding me up? Anyhow, I have 2 left, and then I am going to replace this snack with some almonds or something.

Dinner: 2oz protein (usually whatever Tyson eats minus the carbs) example: 3 meatballs and 1/4 C spaghetti sauce, chicken thigh w/ ff gravy, ground beef (93%) with 1/4 C spaghetti sauce, chicken thigh w/ a couple Tbs of alfredo sauce - you get the picture!)

If we go out, it can be a struggle to figure out what to eat. If it's somewhere that has fish, that tends to be my best option. However, this can be expensive, no matter what I choose to eat since I can't eat the entire thing :) Usually, I just eat a few bites of Tyson's food!

Anyway, so this is what's going on with me... My next post I'll add my before and current photos. You can see some current ones on FB, but I have the traditional before/after poses taken for the first 2 months after surgery and then missed 3/4 and will start again with 5 :)


  1. I'm so happy for you Bonnie! You have really amazed me with your dedication to your goal, I admire your ability to be so self-disciplined and committed. I hope I can reach a point in my life where I am equally disciplined!

    I can't wait to see you!!

  2. Thanks :) It means a lot to me to have your support :) Love ya!
