Sunday, February 20, 2011


So my Dr has be on what should be all liquids until 2 weeks post-op. I have had some trouble getting my protein down so I decided to try some pureed cottage cheese. I tolerated this just fine, so I have had it a couple of times to get some protein in. Other than that it has been IsoPure Protein Water (it's a clear protein powder and I bought it premixed into flavored water) Unflavored MRM Protein Powder (can mix it into anything and it does give a texture change and some whey flavor but not bad at all considering my pre-sugery chocolate is not tolerated by my pouch) and then I can have jell-o and any other clear liquids. I am supposed to be getting around 60g of protein and 64oz of liquid every day. The Dr. has confirmed that neither of these is going to happen in the first 2 weeks and boy is he right. The reason for the liquids is to make sure that my stomach is not swollen anymore and I can tolerate and keep everything down. Having a bit of pureed items right now, I've been told, is okay as long as I keep it to a minimum and go slow.

So the reason this blog is titled food:

Yesterday I went to Seattle with Tyson & our friend Nick. We ended up at a place in Fremont called Norm's and it was pretty amazing. I loved it there. You can bring your dog with you (on a leash) and the place was just full of them. I'm glad because I needed a distraction. This was my first time being in a regular restaurant. Bars I have been in don't really smell like food. They occasionally smell like grease (gross to me now) when the person at the next table gets their nachos or fries or whatnot, but not like Norm's. As soon as we walked into Norm's I could smell burgers, onion rings, potatoes and chili. I mean, individually, I could smell every single item! The dogs were a good distraction to the smell and I am so glad our bodies eventually adapt to smell and we don't really notice it after a while! I ordered a side of Mashers but only ate like 4-5 bites because they were more like cheese with some potato mixed in lol My mashers are supposed to be 1/2 C potatoes (broth if I want) and 1 tsp light margarine. QUITE A DIFFERENCE!!! (just re-read this and realized you'd think 4-5 bites seems like a lot of potato for someone who isn't supposed to eat very much so I wanted to clarify my bites are the size of 1/2 an infant feeding spoon!)

The smell was a lot to handle, but honestly I didn't want the burgers and stuff when I was reading the menu. I mean they all sounded delicious, but I was happy to recommend to Tyson what he should get (Three Pepper Burger) and move on. Nick ordered my all-time favorite appetizer (calamari) and it looked good but I never thought to myself, how could I manage to eat that? I did ask Tyson if it was chewy, but when the answer was yes I just moved on.

This new life for me is nothing like being on a diet. This is my life. Temptations may come as I get into eating regular foods. I may crave crackers and cookies, just like most of us do every once in a while, but not right now. My brain is used to the fact that this is how it is. Going back to the infant spoon, it's kind of like feeding an infant. They get to a certain age and you can give them rice cereal and then as time goes along you can graduate them to other soft foods, one at a time until they have a wide array of items they can eat. I am essentially retraining my stomach and my brain like I am a baby. Adding small things into my diet, one or two at a time, making sure that my new baby stomach can tolerate them. So on Wednesday when I go to the doctor, I will be graduated. For dinner that night I am having chicken and sweet potatoes lol (pureed of course!)

For years, food owned me. Food controlled my emotions, and my emotions controlled me. X=Y, Y=Z, therefore, X=Z It was a simple life. I have always been able to handle it. I am a happy person. I am a loving and caring person. I love to take care of other people. NOW, Food DOES NOT AND WILL NOT own me. Food DOES NOT AND WILL NOT CONTROL MY EMOTIONS. Most importantly, I will take hold of my emotions and I will control my life.

Best of the Best to you,
Bonnie Rose

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

One Week Into My New Life and...

I'm Doing GREAT!!!

I've been in bed almost every day since I arrived home. I'm recovering well. I only have occasional pain. I never had to use my nausea medication (YAY) and I've only used about half of my Oxycodone. I've been trying to use the Liquid Children's Tylenol as much as possible instead because I'd prefer something that doesn't make me loopy and knock me on the ground!

Right now, and for one more week, I am on a liquid protein and clear liquids diet. I discovered after surgery that my new baby stomach doesn't like the protein I was using for months before surgery (not yay since my Mom just bought be a 3lb bag of it!) I have something called IsoPure (a clear liquid that has 40 protein in it and leaves only 20 more for the entire day) that I split into 4 servings. The downside is that it was just over $3 a bottle. However, when this is 4 meals $3 is a great price lol! It's a bit like drinking vitamin water, but it makes your mouth dry like a dry wine would because of the whey protein in it. It's doable, but I'm glad it's temporary. The other thing I have is "Natural Flavored" protein powder. I wish I could say that it was unflavored as it advertises, but it tastes like Whey. I put it in some Butternut Squash Soup and was able to stomach that, but tried it in V8 today and almost didn't keep it down. If I have one bottle of IsoPure and one item with a scoop of the MRM then I am getting in the right amount of protein for the day :)

Next Wednesday (one day after my 2 week mark) I have my post-op appointment with my Dr.!!!! I am excited for him to see how I've been doing. Mostly I am excited for him to Graduate me!!! STAGE III!!!!! This is REAL food!!!! This is very exciting for me. I will be on 3 meals and 2 snacks (A NORMAL SCHEDULE FINALLY) and they will be SO GOOD! Some examples would be an egg beater omelet with pureed spinach and salsa for Breakfast; 2oz of cheese for a snack; Tuna with fruit for lunch; Pudding (or any dairy on my list) for a snack and then dinner. I have been trying to think of several things I can make for Tyson that I can easily make into a "pureed" or "soft" version for myself. Dinner is time for my last Protein and my Starch for the day. Chicken and Sweet Potatoes, Turkey and Mashed Potato with some Fat Free gravy (1 tsp), Salmon and Butternut Squash...

For all of you who know how much I love to cook, you can imagine how happy I will be to be back in the kitchen, discovering my new way of eating and discovering ways to eat what Tyson eats!

I can't have red meat (too hard to digest) but I can have fish, turkey, ham, chicken and tofu for now. All things I love!

Tonight I am going to attempt a night out. Since going to our weekly Bar Trivia is a sit on your but and very inactive activity, I think I will do well. I'm excited to get out and even more excited to see some friends (I'm getting lonely in this house!)

Yesterday (1 week anniversary) I took JB for a walk around the neighborhood. Turns out that makes for exactly a one mile walk so that was good! I felt like I could keep going and going, but didn't want to push it at one week. I'll talk to the Dr on next week about how much I can do!

PETS: My dog, JB, has been amazing! I was talking to a friend the other day about how amazing it is that he is so aware! He knows he cant lay on my lap. I can tell he can tell there is something different. He won't leave my side when Tyson isn't home. If I fall asleep he comes and checks on me. He nudges me and when I wake up he licks my face and goes back to his bed. This is quite funny, because he has never woken me up on purpose before! He is already such a docile dog, but he really is being super loving :)

Now my cat... Super Ultra Megatron (or Kitty as we call her) is wild. I don't mean actively wild. The first couple of days I kept having to stop her from coming and lying on my stomach. This is her favorite place to be since it's been so cold trying to conserve power in our home. After a couple of days of pushing her off of me, she decided she was going to boycot me all together! Like i said in my previous post, Tyson had set up the guest room downstairs for me. The cat went upstairs and had been spending ALL of her time up there by herself. She didn't want ANYTHING to do with me! As of yesterday, she has decided that she still loves me (or at least wants me around!)Now she won't leave my side again. Since she can't be on my stomach, she will just sit on my legs, arms and head!!! I don't mind, because she keeps wherever she goes plenty warm!!!

So, I am doing well :) One more week until I'll be off of Rest Mode and back in the kitchen!!!! I can't wait!!!

Well, off to do laundry so I have something to wear tonight!

Best of the Best,
Bonnie Rose

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I'm Home... Yippee!!!!! Home Sweet Home!!!!!

Surgery went well. The anesthesiologist says that my Doctor is very proud of himself and his staff on how well my surgery went. I am now at home (Thursday, 2/10/11) and have all of my scripts filled. Came home and Tyson turned the guest bedroom into "Bonnie Rose's Recovery Room"! He is such a great husband. He doesn't want me going up and down the stairs, and he wanted me to be able to have the heater (no vent in our bedroom) and our bed is up really high so I have to strain to get into it :( He brought an old TV in and the cable box from our bedroom! He also made me Jell-O when we got home and there's an ice-cube tray of chicken broth in the freezer so I can microwave and drink it pre-measured (1oz per cube)

Tuesday, 4am
Tyson and I left for Overlake in Bellevue. I had to be here at 5:15 am and we got there right around 5. They brought me upstairs to the Family Surgical Unit so I could check-in and let me know I could have 2 people in my pre-op room. Mom and Tyson were both there so that worked perfectly! Right around 5:45 they brought me back to the surgical prep room. I got changed, got a "Bear Hug" (a warm air-blower gets put into a hollow blanket to keep me warm. It's kind of like an airbag that is shaped like a blanket! It seemed as though the next 1.5 hours went by SO SLOW. They gave me my IV sleepy meds at 7:30 and wheeled me into the operating room. The last thing I remember is moving onto the other bed, the surgeon saying hello and congratulations and then I woke up. I don't remember the recovery room, just being in my permanent room. It is a nice room. I have my own private room. There is a chair and a love seat that the end of slides out to enlarge into a single bed. That is perfect, because Mom is going to stay tonight with me. Tyson needs to go home and feed the dog/cat. He'll be back tomorrow. For today, I can't have anything by mouth. Not even water. They gave me these things called Dentips. They are basically a small sponge on the end of a stick. I can dip them in water and then ring them out so they are almost dry again and wipe it on my lips and inside of my mouth so at least I don't have cotton mouth. I am really tired today. I can barely stay awake, but don't want to fall asleep until Tyson leaves. The nurse just came in and I am going on a walk. Tyson is leaving now too so I'll go to sleep when I get back.

Wednesday, 2/9

4:30am - Nurse woke me up to weigh me and get me on my first walk of the day! I actually gained 4 lbs between yesterday and today, but that makes sense because they have been pumping me full of liquids for 24 hours.
7:30am - X-Ray of my torso while I sip contrast so they can make sure I don't have any leaks and that the liquid is going straight through without getting held up in swelled spots or anything.
10:00am Dr came in to see me. He looked at the X-Ray and said that everything looks great. They'll be bringing me water shortly.
When they brought me the water, they also brought me some medicine cups. I'll be drinking 2 medicine cups per hour (it's 1oz in a cup) minimum. It's been a couple hours since I started water and I'm drinking 4 oz per hour. My maximum allowed is 8oz per hour and I am well on my way to that! (max allowed is also the amount he wants me to be at) I got a shower today!!! felt wonderful!!! I went on about 12 laps around the floor today. Everyone is very proud of me and how well I am doing. Tyson was here for two of my walks! Mom went home after traffic stopped tonight. I went a couple walks after she left and then around 11pm decided to put my CPAP (sleep apnea machine) on and go to sleep. I think I slept for about 3 hours before my IV ran out and the alarm started going off. I think I slept for another hour after that. Then I had to go to the bathroom so they had to come in and take the compression leg wraps off for me. I wore these compression wraps that are kind of like the bear hug thing that kept me warm during surgery, but they wrapped around my legs to keep me from getting blood clots. Yesterday I wore them all day, but only while I was sleeping tonight since I've been walking during the day.

Thursday, 2/10
I think I slept for about 3 hours before my IV ran out and the alarm started going off. I think I slept for another hour after that. Then I had to go to the bathroom so they had to come in and take the compression leg wraps off for me. I wore these compression wraps that are kind of like the bear hug thing that kept me warm during surgery, but they wrapped around my legs to keep me from getting blood clots. Yesterday I wore them all day, but only while I was sleeping tonight since I've been walking during the day. The second time I woke up I decided to take my first walk of the day. They weighed me then too. I am still the same 4lbs up from Tuesday. Can't wait for it to go the other direction!
I should be going home today! I am glad, but worried. It's always easier to do things when they are being put in front of you to do (walking drinking etc) The doctor came in and talked to me around 8:30 this morning. He asked me (quized me) about what I have been doing and will be doing once I got home. Says I will start taking my vitamins in one week. This week focus on getting all of the liquids and as much of it as possible from protein shakes. I have a schedule of when to drink both things. I finally got to go home around 1:30 the nurse admin came in and did my discharge. YAY I'm going home

Monday, February 7, 2011

Pre-Op diet Day 14 !!!LAST ONE!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

OK so I am sitting here drinking my Chicken stock and water and water and water :)

Honestly, I can't even believe that my surgery is only 10 1/2 hours away! It's surreal! It's been SUCH a long process from my seminar in January 2010 to approval and the surgery (all within 2 weeks of each other!) The last two weeks have been the longest two weeks of my entire life! It's finally almost time for my surgery!!!!!!!!!!

I read a book called Designated Fat Girl by Jennifer Joyner. She had GBS and wrote about her entire journey from fat girl to fat teenager, fat wife and fat mom. I think the person who recommended the book wanted it to talk me out of having the surgery, but all it did was make me realize even more that having this surgery is the right choice for me. It's a fabulous book and I recommend anybody with weight issues read it. I recommend anyone with a personal relationship with someone who has weight issues read it. It gives amazing insight into the psyche of an overweight woman, specifically a woman who has been struggling, wholeheartedly with her weight for what seems like her entire life. I was planning to read it in the hospital and when I got home, but I finished it in two days after telling myself I would just read the Prologue!

Today I went to Wal*Mart. I got some sweats on clearance for $3.00 I found slippers on clearance for $5.00 and (sorry if TMI) bought a package of new underwear to wear at the hospital lol. I have been on a forum called and have found the support from other "February 2011 Staplers" to be most helpful and encouraging! One of them has made a point to remind all of us that we need CHAPSTICK! I got that at Wal*Mart today too lol. It needs to be unscented, because apparently some scents could be repulsive to me after surgery. I guess that makes sense, since there can be nausea with the anesthesia and pain meds.

I am all packed and ready to go (except my toothbrush/paste). I have to arrive at Overlake in Bellevue at 5:15am, so Tyson and I will be up quite early and out the door by 4am! I think the drive to Bellevue will be the slowest drive I've ever taken lol. Most of you I think are on my Facebook, so if you want updates of how I am doing tomorrow - Thursday, check there. I will try to get on my phone to post here too, but couldn't get it to work earlier.

So here I go, I'm going to finish up a bit more of my getting ready and making sure I don't forget anything while Tyson watches this movie that's on and then we'll head to bed. I am exhausted and just want to cuddle with him tonight. I already packed up my CPAP so I am not going to wear it tonight. I will be fine on my side, so I'll just cuddle with him to keep on my side all night!!!!

Good Night All and I'll talk to you all later!!!!!

Bonnie Rose

Pre-Op diet Days 4-13

Sunday, February 6, 2011

OK so I haven't been blogging because there isn't much to say! Every day is the same... 3 protein shakes and a meal! I have figured out ways to eat whatever Tyson has been eating. Ordering a salad with shrimp or prawns seems to work well. The couple restaurants we've gone to have had a shrimp or prawn appetizer. I ate un-breaded-sauce free wings once too. Then I ate my veggies when I got home. Mostly though, it's been lean meat/cottage cheese/fruit/green beans/sweet potatoes every night lol I'm a bit bored of it.

So as far as my to do list has gone....

I get an F lol! I did go through all of my clothes. I already bagged up a bunch that I cannot wear already just from the 10% of my body weight I had to lose to be approved for surgery! I found a bunch of clothes from college and some that I bought at a garage sale that were brand new small sizes that don't fit me yet. I bought them when I was in college and on one of my weight loss attempts. I also have done some cleaning, but not any more than normal haha My bedroom living room and kitchen will be clean for recovery and that's fine because those are the places I live (well my bathroom is clean too!)

I am getting excited.People keep asking if I'm nervous or scared, and I'm not. It's been a VERY long 13 months of making the decision to have surgery, going through all of the insurance requirements and finally getting approved just 2 weeks ago!

It's super bowl Sunday and I have had cream of broccoli soup and a sweet potato and one protein shake. I am going to go to bed now and can't wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow is the last day of my pre-op diet and I could not be more anxious!!!!


I've heard a bit of surprise, anxiety and fear about my surgery from various friends so I just wanted to say this,

"I wake up everyday with the realization that this is it, that there's only one shot at this life and I can either enjoy the ride and live it to its fullest and to my highest potential or I can stay the way I am." (borrowed from a friend on WLS Forum)

I wish you could all understand, but I can't keep trying to explain it. I love you all and I promise with everything in me that this really was a last resort. I need this like I need air and water. It's been a long long road and I've been down the diet and exercise road SO MANY times... this is it.

I posted this on Facebook... I love all of my friends and family and thank them for supporting me. I wouldn't be who I am without these people in my life and I wouldn't be making it through without every single one of them!

Here are the comments I received in response:

~ Bonnie, I'm excited for you. Just knowing you for this short time... I know that you will be strict enough to stay with it pre surg and post surg.
I've seen a lot of people come in to the hospital sick and malnourished because they thing after surgery they can just go back to eating what they ate before.
It's going to be a long road but you've already headed down that road full speed.

~ I know exactly how you feel Rudy...what you said says it all (just the way I felt almost 3 years ago). I love you Bonnie Rosie! ♥ Mommy

~ I had a friend who went through a gastric bypass surgery and it was a total success! My hope is that your surgery is just as successful and uneventful. :)

~ Your such a great friend and a wonderful person...some times you just need to do what's right for you no matter what everyone else says. I'll be praying for you!

~ Amen, sister. Just pray and it will all be okay. You will be so happy you did all of it and it will be so worth it!!!

~ Love you Sweetie! you are the thinker, so I know you are internalizing all that you have heard. YOU are the only person that knows what is right for you.

~ I have to chime in here to tell you I admire you for making such a strong commitment to your health and yourself. I hope you can feel my love and support!

I also received several Good Luck, Recover fast and Love you's


Pre-Op Diet Day 2/3

Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I had my Pre-op appointment today. Signed consent papers and all that jazz... Had some labs too because the last Dr that did them never sent them to my new Dr... That's okay though

I did really well today no cravings or anything... Going out tonight and I only drank 2/3 of my protein shakes today so I'll bring one with me...

better go :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011
My words of the day have been....

Not enough nutrition to stay awake....
Too much hunger to fall asleep

I got 3 - 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night. Within that 3 1/2 hours I woke up SEVERAL times...

I think my body just needs to get used to this pre-op diet... Just in time for surgery I'm sure!

A friend asked me if it was this grueling, why would I want to have the surgery? Well, I told her that once my stomach is smaller my nutritional need will be lower... this will be different.

Hope that's true!


My husband and I wake up at 5am. I have been having a difficult time figuring out how to time my shakes so that I don't end up hungry at the end of the day....

If I wait until 6am to drink the first one and then eat dinner at 6pm I have to figure out where to put the 2 shakes between 6am and 6pm...

Today i was so tired I fell asleep on the couch after he left for work at 6:20 Woke up at 7 and realized how tired I was so I went and laid down for about an hour. Since then I've been trying to keep busy cleaning the house. I'm trying to get this house spic and span so that I'm not stressed about the cleaning while I'm supposed to be recovering!

To Do List:
Get all Laundry clean and organized by too big already and will fit in later (and then by size in each drawer)

Steam Clean Carpets

Mop wood floors


Bathe Pets (dog/cat)

Pre-Op Diet Day 1

A lot of people have the opportunity to have one last big shebang before they go on their pre-op diet. I got the call to schedule surgery the afternoon before my pre-op diet was to begin. In so many ways, I would call myself fortunate that I didn't have that option.

Pre-Op diet Day 1

The Pre-Op diet for my doctor is a bit different than other people I have spoken to. From what I've gathered, most have a 2 week liquid diet before the Gastric Bypass surgery.

This is my diet:

Breakfast: Protein Shake
Snack: Protein Shake
Lunch: Protein Shake
Dinner: Meal
4 oz Lean Protein (1oz as milk)
1 cup Vegetable
1/2 cup or 1oz Carbohydrate (from a list he gave me)
1 Fruit (1/2 Cup, 1 piece or 1/4 C dried)
1 Fat exchange allowed 1Tbs or 1tsp full fat dressing/butter

Tonight's Dinner:
3 oz chicken
1/4 cup LF Cottage Cheese
1 Cup Peaches
1/2 Cup Roasted Garlic Potatoes
1 Cup green beans

Today went well. Today was the first day of the rest of my life. I was hungry for sure (I mean from 5am to 5pm all I had was 3 protein shakes) but it didn't feel like it would have if I was trying to stay on a "diet." Yes, my "Pre-Op Diet" is a diet, but in the true sense of the word just meaning what you eat. Not even once today did I even consider going off of what my eating plan is. I know that the next 2 weeks are going to be difficult in fact I am even hungry now and I ate dinner already lol.

I am feeling optimistic. I have my Pre-Op appointment with Dr Nguyen tomorrow morning. He is going to go over my check in time, what will happen at the hospital etc. I am very excited!!!

I have stuff I want to do before I go to the hospital. The main thing is that I want my house to be clean. I don't want to have to be stressed about my surroundings while I am supposed to be recovering.

I am planning to make a couple of meals into ziplock bags for my husband while I am at the hospital as well as some for the few days after I get back. I think once I've been home for a few days, I won't have a problem cooking his dinner though.

My last project is to go through all of the clothes in my bedroom. I want to have them organized so I can figure out what I can wear post-surgery :) I think this will be a fun project! I am also going to steam clean my house before my surgery so that everything is clean and happy :)

Anyway so this is the end of Day 1 Pre-Op Diet I am hungry but I am happy :)

The Next Step - January 25, 2011

January 2010:
Attended Weight Loss Surgery Seminar
First Appointment @ St Francis WL Clinic

February 2010:
Met Nutritionist to start Series of 7 Nutrition Appointments to start in March

March 2010:
1/7 Nutrition Appointment I will need to lose 23.5 lbs for the doctor to consider me for surgery
Endoscopy for Dr's exploration in preparation for surgery

April 2010 - September 2010
2-7 Nutrition Appointments - lost my total of 23.5 lbs over the 9 months! YAY!

September 2010:
St Francis WLC submits to insurance

October 2010:
SFWLC lets me know that I can't go to them. The hospital isn't approved.

November 2010:
Started at Virginia Mason. Per the insurance this is a Dr I can go to.
RN from my insurance called and let me know she would be by my side for the entire process. I let her know where I was in the process and that I had completed ALL of the requirements at St Francis. She was shocked and let me know that the other Dr had never called my insurance. Virginia Mason called to make sure I was approved to go to them and she would help me get through this. By the end of the conversation it was discovered that the person from my insurance that told me I could go to VM was wrong too!!! At this point it was laughable. I was devastated but it was almost funny to me it was so bad...

December 2010:
Started at Overlake Hospital. Dr. Nguyen is amazing and the third time is the charm!

January 2011:
It is such a blessing in disguise that I ended up Dr. Nguyen! He is the perfect match for me and my personality and needs. He was able to use everything from my other doctors with his own notes and got my surgery approved in 1 month!

I am officially scheduled to have surgery on February 8, 2011!!!!!!!!