Monday, February 7, 2011


I've heard a bit of surprise, anxiety and fear about my surgery from various friends so I just wanted to say this,

"I wake up everyday with the realization that this is it, that there's only one shot at this life and I can either enjoy the ride and live it to its fullest and to my highest potential or I can stay the way I am." (borrowed from a friend on WLS Forum)

I wish you could all understand, but I can't keep trying to explain it. I love you all and I promise with everything in me that this really was a last resort. I need this like I need air and water. It's been a long long road and I've been down the diet and exercise road SO MANY times... this is it.

I posted this on Facebook... I love all of my friends and family and thank them for supporting me. I wouldn't be who I am without these people in my life and I wouldn't be making it through without every single one of them!

Here are the comments I received in response:

~ Bonnie, I'm excited for you. Just knowing you for this short time... I know that you will be strict enough to stay with it pre surg and post surg.
I've seen a lot of people come in to the hospital sick and malnourished because they thing after surgery they can just go back to eating what they ate before.
It's going to be a long road but you've already headed down that road full speed.

~ I know exactly how you feel Rudy...what you said says it all (just the way I felt almost 3 years ago). I love you Bonnie Rosie! ♥ Mommy

~ I had a friend who went through a gastric bypass surgery and it was a total success! My hope is that your surgery is just as successful and uneventful. :)

~ Your such a great friend and a wonderful person...some times you just need to do what's right for you no matter what everyone else says. I'll be praying for you!

~ Amen, sister. Just pray and it will all be okay. You will be so happy you did all of it and it will be so worth it!!!

~ Love you Sweetie! you are the thinker, so I know you are internalizing all that you have heard. YOU are the only person that knows what is right for you.

~ I have to chime in here to tell you I admire you for making such a strong commitment to your health and yourself. I hope you can feel my love and support!

I also received several Good Luck, Recover fast and Love you's


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