Monday, February 7, 2011

Pre-Op diet Day 14 !!!LAST ONE!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

OK so I am sitting here drinking my Chicken stock and water and water and water :)

Honestly, I can't even believe that my surgery is only 10 1/2 hours away! It's surreal! It's been SUCH a long process from my seminar in January 2010 to approval and the surgery (all within 2 weeks of each other!) The last two weeks have been the longest two weeks of my entire life! It's finally almost time for my surgery!!!!!!!!!!

I read a book called Designated Fat Girl by Jennifer Joyner. She had GBS and wrote about her entire journey from fat girl to fat teenager, fat wife and fat mom. I think the person who recommended the book wanted it to talk me out of having the surgery, but all it did was make me realize even more that having this surgery is the right choice for me. It's a fabulous book and I recommend anybody with weight issues read it. I recommend anyone with a personal relationship with someone who has weight issues read it. It gives amazing insight into the psyche of an overweight woman, specifically a woman who has been struggling, wholeheartedly with her weight for what seems like her entire life. I was planning to read it in the hospital and when I got home, but I finished it in two days after telling myself I would just read the Prologue!

Today I went to Wal*Mart. I got some sweats on clearance for $3.00 I found slippers on clearance for $5.00 and (sorry if TMI) bought a package of new underwear to wear at the hospital lol. I have been on a forum called and have found the support from other "February 2011 Staplers" to be most helpful and encouraging! One of them has made a point to remind all of us that we need CHAPSTICK! I got that at Wal*Mart today too lol. It needs to be unscented, because apparently some scents could be repulsive to me after surgery. I guess that makes sense, since there can be nausea with the anesthesia and pain meds.

I am all packed and ready to go (except my toothbrush/paste). I have to arrive at Overlake in Bellevue at 5:15am, so Tyson and I will be up quite early and out the door by 4am! I think the drive to Bellevue will be the slowest drive I've ever taken lol. Most of you I think are on my Facebook, so if you want updates of how I am doing tomorrow - Thursday, check there. I will try to get on my phone to post here too, but couldn't get it to work earlier.

So here I go, I'm going to finish up a bit more of my getting ready and making sure I don't forget anything while Tyson watches this movie that's on and then we'll head to bed. I am exhausted and just want to cuddle with him tonight. I already packed up my CPAP so I am not going to wear it tonight. I will be fine on my side, so I'll just cuddle with him to keep on my side all night!!!!

Good Night All and I'll talk to you all later!!!!!

Bonnie Rose

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